Wednesday, January 21, 2015

links and info for reading Tocqueville

Review of Tocqueville:

Info on Tocqueville the history/writer and Mattawa’s Book
(you can click on or copy/paste these links to get more info on some ideas from which Mattawa draws ideas for Tocqueville… you might also google some of the sources from the notes section of the book –p68/69—for more info and insight… nonetheless, one doesn’t need background knowledge necessarily if one is also willing to read and interpret the poems on their own terms; whatever a reader brings to the text, in terms of personal knowledge, and interest in reading from another perspective, will do… and however far you want to go into research in other areas is up to you…)

on Langston Hughes

some additional info:

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Welcome to Creative Writing

This is the class blog page for 223, Introduction to Creative Writing, for Winter 2015. Here you can access others' class blogs and see announcements and info related to the class.